
Egypt dive site
Marsa Shuna, Marsa Imbarak , Masdoda, Magawish, German Wreck, tower, sharm el sheik, Cleopatra, Shaab Samir, Tobia Nuss, giftun soraya hurghada Ägypten, Bannerfish Bay, El Barbour Egypte , giften reef, Paradise Reef, Vanadir North, Sudezpress , Grand Coral, torfet el shahid, Abu Hashish Lagoon, wreck el mina, pontile Sataya , Shaab Nos, Habili Nos, Sha'ab Abu Salama, Dolphin Reef, Kurkle Reef, huis rif bella Vista , Marsa um Gerifat, tropitel Sahl Hashish, Harris Rock, Turtle Reef, Blue Beach House Reef, El Shugarat, Lagoon, Nabeq, Napoleon Reef, South Ras Abu Galum, Ricks Reef, Sha'ab Khanzir, Bluff Point Wreck, Carina Wreck, Chrisoula K, El Dahr, El Gelwa , The Alternative, Lonely Mushroom, North Passage, Ras Fanar, Siyul Soraya, Small Gubal, Stingray Station, Akassia Housereef, El Mohgar, El Quadim Bay, Erg Malik, Helioland, Maheleg, Mangrove Bay House Reef , Pharao House reef, Serib Kebir, Shaab El Kenz, Shaab Rahma, Sharm El Bahari, Sharm Fugani, Torfa Tany, Zreab Soraya, El Bohar Kebir, El Bohar Soraya, House Reef Zabargad, Lahami Bay Beach Housereef, Lahami Bay Buoy 2 Housereef,
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